Never email or text any part of your credit card data. Neither is secure. Do not let a browser store (remember) them either.
Secure All Internet-Enabled Devices
Every Internet-facing device needs some method of protection from inbound malware or intrusion. While it seems that no platform is impenetrable, your best effort must be in place to prevent a compromise of systems and data. Increasingly, it is not appropriate to assume the website you are browsing has any meaningful tools to protect your user experience on their site. There are many products on the marketplace; from fee to free. Is it necessary to pay for malware protection when you can download a free product? Do you need more than one product to thoroughly protect your business from malware? If you need more than one of these products, do they all "play nice" with each other?
We can answer these questions and many more about the importance of protecting your business information from prying eyes as well as employee carelessness. Just ask!