An easy way to determine legitimacy of an unexpected email is to reply (without opening the inbound message) and ask the sender whether they intended to send you the message and/or attachment.
Proper Training is Key
Our first client engagement was training a client's staff on a newly installed accounting software system. Using a combination of small group and individual instruction techniques, we enabled a staff with no technology background to successfully implement the new system with a minimum of stress. Helping the staff develop an understanding of the relationship between data entry on the old ledger system and the accounting software was critical. Quickly establishing a comfort level for each staff member was the key.
Today, our engagements involve mainstream products as well as client-specific proprietary applications. Our instructional roles range from basic use to product upgrades to mastery of a product's specific features. In order to achieve the best result, we constantly adjust our training method to the needs of the client's staff.